Monday, December 20, 2010
Suitable for all ages

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where do we go from here?

Mommy, Daddy and our angel, Ava Rose
Friday, November 5, 2010
Loving Music!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Fun With Nursery Rhymes!

I also printed off the complete nursery rhyme on one page:
Another idea is to put the pictures on popsicle sticks - as we have for "One Two Buckle My Shoe":
I will try to capture Ava's progress with these nursery rhymes on video.
Have fun!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
End of summer road trip
While the drive may be boring, once you get there, it is truly breathtaking. My dad took us all for a hike on the Bruce Trail......
and this......
looking in the caves for bears......
of course the hike wore her out......
and jump over the waves......
Ava was fascinated with Grandma's mailbox ...."its emtee"no summer is complete without skipping stones.....
Looking forward to our next visit at Thanksgiving!!!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Voice Camp 2010

It was Amelia's daddy's blog that inspired me to start my own blog and gave me hope when Ava was diagnosed.
Also at Voice camp we met Chris Loewen. Chris is a young man who received a cochlear implant when he was 12. He entertained us all with his amazing magic show. Chris gave an excellent talk to the parents about what it was like growing up with a cochlear implant. His mother was a very strong advocate for him and was determined that he learn to listen and speak no matter what the professionals said. He has excellent speech! He was an inspiration for us all! Thank you Chris!

We can't wait until voice camp 2011! See you all next year!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Close Call

Feeling oh so good to be alive! And, always always always wear your bike helmet!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
"WordFUL" Wednesday

I have spent a lot of time trying to attach pretty flowers to Ava's coils. I got some ideas from other moms on how to sew snaps around the coils but it is quite difficult to do it with the N5 coils. I also don't want to sew something on only to have to remove it later and then sew it on again. I found these pretty flower stickers at the craft store. They stick fairly well and stay put for days. Even when I remove them they will still stick after a second or third time.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Ava!
Happy 2nd Birthday Ava!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Swimming with CI's!

5. put the swimcap on - Ava's is a lycra/spandex cap we ordered from amazon. we tried a latex/silicone cap last year and it was too hard to hold the bag in place and stretch a latex cap over top of it without knocking the magnet off. Remember, what keeps the CI dry is the aLoksak bag, not the swim cap.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010
A little game we play
Here's the video. I attempted to add the captioning through the transcript option on YouTube. I apologize that the captioning is a bit out of time in the middle when I'm getting Ava to close her eyes, but then it eventually corrects itself. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Troubleshooting the cochlear implant equipment

Ava's coil failed on Easter. We noticed a steady flashing orange light blinking on her processor at the rate of one blink per second. This usually means the coil fell off and is not attached to her head. Or, it can mean that the processor is on the wrong ear. However, the coil was on her head and the processor on the correct ear yet the orange light continued to flash. We knew it wasn't the battery because the processor would show a fast flashing orange light. But nope, this was the slow flash. My husband hooked up the listening headphones to the processor and could detect good quality sound. So we knew it wasn't the processor. We got out the remote to troubleshoot. The remote indicated that "coil is disconnected from the implant" and displayed this picture:
which means the coil is no longer picking up a signal from the implant. The remote instructed us to check both the coil and the coil cable. So, first, we took the cable off the other ear and attached it to the faulty coil. Still got the steady orange flashes. Then, we took the good coil off the other ear and placed it on the processor and presto, the flashing stopped. Therefore we determined that the coil was faulty and not the cable. We went to our kit to get out a replacement coil. We found replacement cables; but lo and behold there were no replacement coils to be had! I found that quite odd, as we were given backup replacements for all parts (except the processor itself) with the Nucleus Freedom kits. Apparently the Nucleus 5 kits do not contain backup coils or magnets, only extra cables. A new coil costs $195! I did a brief survey of some fellow parents and some kits contained backups and some did not. It seemed most of those in the US had backups of everything, including a backup processor. Fortunately, Ava's coils were still under the 1 year warranty. Because it was a holiday, I couldn't do anything about it till the next day, Monday. Thankfully, Ava is a bilateral user, so she could still hear with one ear. I just can't imagine the thought of her having to spend a whole day without ANY access to sound whatsoever. On the advice of Ava's audiologist, I called "Hear Always", which is a division of Cochlear Corporation, which helps with troubleshooting and equipment replacement. I spoke to a kind gentleman, who confirmed the troubleshooting steps with me over the phone. I also learned that if we swiped the coil over the back of the remote, the remote would indicate whether the coil was receiving a sound signal or not. So cool! He arranged for a replacement coil to be fedexed overnight and we received it Tuesday morning. It worked! I felt so proud at figuring it all out. There were shipping instructions to return the faulty coil, at Cochlear's expense. All in all, it was quite an easy process and the remote was very simple to use. We do not use the remote on a regular basis but it sure came in handy this time!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Best Language Toy Ever

*BODY parts - Ava learned the names of the common body parts this way. First she learned body parts receptively by pointing when asked "where's the eyes?" Now, when I ask, "what's this?" she can respond orally and name the correct part.
*COLOURS - Ava learned her colours from this toy.
*AUDITORY MEMORY - "Give me the shoes and the eyes"....or "get the red shoes and the orange nose"
*WHAT'S MISSING? - leave the nose off and ask your child "What's missing?" or you can be silly and put the parts in the wrong spot and ask "Do the eyes go here?"
*CHOICE - do you want the ears or the feet?
*LEARNING PREPOSITIONS - "put the ears in", "take it off", put the hat "on" his head, "lay the feet beside the arms", "his hat is behind him"
*LEARNING PRONOUNS - "give the eyes to me", "those are his shoes", "where are your ears"
*SAME AND DIFFERENT" - put on a red ear and and orange ear and ask "is this the same?"
*FUN FACTOR - Ava first received her Potato Head at around 12 months. She is now 21 months and still plays with it every single day.
Ava's AV therapist recommended a really great book called "The New Language of Toys"by Sue Schwartz. It is all about how to use toys to stimulate your child's language skills. It recommends age appropriate toys to use for different age groups as well as how to make some homemade toys. It also has a guide and checklist to follow as to what language goals are reasonable for their age and development. I am constantly referring to the book for new language game ideas. It retails for about $22US.
I bought a used one on Amazon for much less than that.
Happy Playing!