*BODY parts - Ava learned the names of the common body parts this way. First she learned body parts receptively by pointing when asked "where's the eyes?" Now, when I ask, "what's this?" she can respond orally and name the correct part.
*COLOURS - Ava learned her colours from this toy.
*AUDITORY MEMORY - "Give me the shoes and the eyes"....or "get the red shoes and the orange nose"
*WHAT'S MISSING? - leave the nose off and ask your child "What's missing?" or you can be silly and put the parts in the wrong spot and ask "Do the eyes go here?"
*CHOICE - do you want the ears or the feet?
*LEARNING PREPOSITIONS - "put the ears in", "take it off", put the hat "on" his head, "lay the feet beside the arms", "his hat is behind him"
*LEARNING PRONOUNS - "give the eyes to me", "those are his shoes", "where are your ears"
*SAME AND DIFFERENT" - put on a red ear and and orange ear and ask "is this the same?"
*FUN FACTOR - Ava first received her Potato Head at around 12 months. She is now 21 months and still plays with it every single day.
Ava's AV therapist recommended a really great book called "The New Language of Toys"by Sue Schwartz. It is all about how to use toys to stimulate your child's language skills. It recommends age appropriate toys to use for different age groups as well as how to make some homemade toys. It also has a guide and checklist to follow as to what language goals are reasonable for their age and development. I am constantly referring to the book for new language game ideas. It retails for about $22US.
I bought a used one on Amazon for much less than that.
Happy Playing!